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Our musical elves have been up to some seasonal shenanigans! Watch Steve, Robin, Ryan, and the rest of the elves from West Music and Percussion Source on their adventures, as we hope they give you a good laugh.

The West Music Elves

A tiny Steve, Tereasa, Sam, Stephanie, and Jeanna decorate the tree!

Sled Races

Robin, Cathi, Zackary, Adam B., and Adam H. have a wacky sled race!


Melissa, Ryan, Jordan, and Beth dance the Macarena — or should we say Macareindeer!

Rockin’ Around

Watch Alex, Jessica, Signe, and Jeremy as they go rocking around the Christmas tree.

Beginning to Look Like Christmas

Judy, Samantha, Pamela, and Randy do all their favorite winter activities together.

Steve West, Ryan West, Robin Walenta, and the rest of the West Music associates want to wish you season’s greetings and happy holidays. Thank you for choosing West Music and our sibling company Percussion Source for your musical needs. We look forward to serving you in the new year as we continue our mission to to encourage people of all ages and abilities to play now, play for life!